Design Ideas For Small Bathroom
We dont all have the budget for huge bathrooms with all the modern gadgets such as jacuzzis and saunas.
But that shouldnt prevent us from creating our own kind of dream bathroom.
Try and think about what you actually need functionally from a small bathroom.
And if you have more that one bathroom you may have to split the requirements across all bathrooms.
So maybe the master bathroom has the most luxurious bath with a jacuzzi but only has an over the bath shower.
And maybe the guest bathroom has the most luxurious shower with the dazzling shower head with an array of options.
If space is the bigger problem then go for fixtures that actually take up less space such as wall hung sinks and toilets.
You may find that the smaller items actually end up looking better in a smaller bathroom.
Designer Bathroom Extractor Fans
Design Ideas For Small Bathroom
Blue themed bath room with bulit-in bathtub is the best I saw so far. It is so pleasing and very cool like you are in sea shore or near the beach or in a vacation in Hawaii.I adore the simplicity of that.